Extend The Benefits of Floating Into Daily Life

What do I get when I Join The Float Club?

✔️ Monthly Float Credit

Start every month with a brand new float in the bank!
You can use it, give it away, or add it to your float collection.

✔️ Additional Floats are Only $39 (Save $36 Every Float)

Let’s be honest okay?
We both know that you want to float more than once a month so…
We made it easy to float as much as possible.

✔️ Float Credits are Shareable

You want to give someone a float?
Give them a credit from your account instead of the normal $75 gift card.
If you’re out of credits you can just purchase a new one for $39 and send them our way!

✔️ Group Rate (Your Friends Save $36)

Did you just secure a permanent members only discount for your friends?
Only if they bring you along every time they float!
It’s the perfect way to convince your friends to pay for your float
Who said we weren’t looking out for ya?

✔️ Monthly Rollover

Secret time…
We know how you feel.
You want to live at the float centre.
Your secret is safe with us.
The monthly rollover is your cover story.
In the *cough* unlikely *cough* event that you don’t use your monthly float credit
It stays in the float bank
Waiting for you to come home.

✔️ 30 Day Cancellation Policy

We get it.
You’re retreating into the mountains of Tibet for a life of silent contemplation.
We’re sad to see you go, but…
we know how important it is to develop extra-sensory abilities in the secluded mystical caves on the roof of the world
We only need 30 days to process our loss and move forward

✔️ Membership Credits Never Expire (But Sometimes They Take A Nap)

Membership credits never expire,
but after 90 days they become inactive…
like sleeping giants
Waiting for the sweet song
of membership reactivation to awaken them from their slumber